Association Between Quality Of Sleep With Primary Headache In Siloam Hospital Karawaci


  • Christin Andriani Faculty of Medicine Pelita Harapan University
  • Pricilla Yani Gunawan Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine Pelita Harapan University



sleep quality, primary headache, migraine, TTH


A primary headache is the most common neurological complaint and is experienced by almost everyone throughout life.  The most common type of primary headache is TTH (Tension-Type Headache) and Migraine. Quality of sleep is associated with life satisfaction and data shows that one-third of adults are affected by poor sleep. Many studies have mentioned that there is a relationship between quality of sleep and primary headache, but no study has ever been conducted in Siloam Hospital Karawaci. We did a case-control study in Siloam Hospital Karawaci using purposive sampling, with a total of 50 patients as the subjects. Data were collected using the PSQI questionnaire and DASS 42 between January 2019 - March 2019. It was found that there was a significant relationship between sleep quality and primary headache (p= <0,001).


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