Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pencipta dan Pemegang Hak Cipta Konten Kreator di Media Sosial


  • Angelo Fernando Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya
  • Catherine Aureulli Chandra Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya
  • Jimmy Jimmy Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya


Copyright, Creator Content, Social Media, Legal Protection


This study aims to examine the extent to which the Intellectual Property Law, namely the Copyright Law, safeguards the legal rights of content creators who distribute their works on social media platforms. Additionally, it attempts to explore potential legal measures that might be taken to address copyright infringements. This study employs a Normative Juridical method of study, utilizing both a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The primary legal sources utilized are the positive legal regulations outlined in the Copyright Law. Additionally, secondary legal sources in the form of scientific books, journals, and reliable legal news are used as tertiary legal materials. The research findings indicate a significant prevalence of public engagement and utilization of social media platforms, leading to numerous instances of legal transgressions, particularly in the realm of Intellectual Property Rights infringement, specifically related to Copyright violations. Hence, the Copyright Act exists to safeguard the moral and economic rights that rightfully belong to the copyright owner, specifically the one who created the content.


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