Analisa Perlindungan Hukum dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Dalam Perjanjian atas Hak Merek (Studi Merek Dagang Tupperware Terhadap Tulipware)

Elvy Wiyono, Macvin Andreas Winata, Yohanie Maretta


The author discusses the legal protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), particularly in the context of trademarks in Indonesia. The development of Indonesia as a country with diverse wealth gives rise to healthy and unfair competition in various economic sectors. To prevent unfair competition, the government recognizes the importance of IPR regulation. The focus of this paper is on Trademark Rights, which provide legal certainty over economic and moral rights for creators of innovations. By analyzing the Tupperware and Tulipware cases, this paper explores the effectiveness of legal protection and dispute resolution related to trademarks. In addition, this paper explains the definition of trademark rights, its legal basis, and the types of trademarks that can be registered. The legal protection of brand rights includes rules and regulations that enable brand owners to take legal action against infringement of their rights. The process of transferring trademark rights is also discussed as part of such legal protection.


Intellectual Property Rights; Trademarks; Legal Protection; Dispute Resolution; Exclusive Rights; Transfer of Rights; Regulation in Indonesia

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