Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Pelanggaran Hak Cipta Film yang Diunggah Ulang Secara Ilegal Pada Youtube


  • Sabrina Setjaboedi Aiko Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya
  • Savira Dhanika Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya
  • Seegho Eunike Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya


Intellectual Property Rights, CopyRights Protection


YouTube is one of the largest video sharing platforms on the Internet. Several studio, music and record labels, artists and bands and even content creators who just shared their lifestyle, and daily activities have their own official channels on YouTube. They take some parts of this digital ecosystem. Besides the original purposes to promote their masterpiece, they can also monetize this. YouTube consists of a huge amount of copyright violated content including movies and film (the focus of the work presented in this paper) despite the fact that they have defined several policies and implemented measures to combat copyright violations of content. They present a method to automatically detect copyright violated videos by mining video as well as older meta-data. Besides, content stealing is still a huge problem in this industry. This study aims to determine and describe the form of copyright protection against the act of content stealing on YouTube channels in the regulation of intellectual property rights in Indonesia. The research method used is normative juridical by examining through literature studies. The results of the research based on UUHC (Undang - Undang Hak Cipta) and article 9 TRIPs concerning Copyright, the creator gets legal protection related to the content uploaded by other parties through Youtube canal which applies anywhere regardless of the media used to announce the material. In addition, content creators get legal protection from YouTube, namely YouTube will delete videos that violate copyright, but this is only implemented by Youtube if it has received notification of copyright infringement. The legal consequences for Youtube that continues to broadcast any material uploaded without the creator’s permission is the closure of the Youtube site as a whole.


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