Refund Policy Due to Flight Cancellations Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic: Consumer Protection Law’s Perspective


  • Huta Disyon Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjajaran
  • Kevin Bhaskara Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada



Covid-19, Flight Cancellation, Ticket Refund


The Covid-19 pandemic affects various aspects, including air transportation activities e.g., the Government of Indonesia has to impose travel restrictions to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. In accordance with this policy, the airline canceled flights and issued travel vouchers for reimbursements. This study aims to analyse the refunds by airlines to airplane passengers because of flight cancellations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as an impact of Government policies in perspective of the Consumer Protection Law. This research was conducted using a normative juridical method and the research specification is analytical-descriptive, because this article describes the implementation of the ticket refund by Garuda Indonesia (GIAA) to then be analysed to see if it has the potential to cause a violation of the Consumer Protection Law. The results showed that the implementation and handling of flight cancellations by rescheduling tickets and then refunding tickets by providing travel vouchers basically did not violate the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of aviation, and there were no violations of consumer rights. Furthermore, prospective passengers who experience financial losses can demand a refund in the form of cash to GIAA.

Author Biography

Huta Disyon, Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjajaran

Huta Disyon, S.E., was born in Jakarta on August 11, 1986. Completed Diploma III Specialization in Government Accounting, State College of Accountancy in 2004 and Bachelor of Accounting from the Indonesian College of Economics in 2010. The author has a career as a Civil Servant at the Directorate General State Wealth of the Ministry of Finance since 2007. The author is currently pursuing a Masters in Law at Padjadjaran University with a scholarship from the The Indonesia Education Endowment Fund in 2021. Several journals/scientific papers that have been published as authors, namely: “Critical Review of The Implementation of The Making of SOE as a Holding From Anti-Monopoly and Unfair Business Competition Perspective” (Journal of Legal Research De Jure Volume 22 Number 2, June 2022) and “Legal Relations of the Parties in Issuing Asset Backed Securities in the Form of Participation Letters EBA-SP SMF- BMRI01” (Jurnal Juris & Society Vol. 1 No. 2 June Edition 202 2).


Laws and Regulations

Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.

Law Number 1 of 2009 concerning Aviation.

Presidential Decree Number 11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency.

Presidential Decree Number 12 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Non-Natural Disasters Spreading Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) as National Disasters.

Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 77 of 2011 concerning Responsibilities for Air Transport.

Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 89 of 2015 concerning Delay Management in Scheduled Commercial Air Transport Business Entities in Indonesia.

Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 185 of 2015 concerning Service Standards for Economy Class Passengers of Domestic Scheduled Commercial Air Transport.

Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 25 of 2020 concerning Transportation Control During the Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming Period of 1441 Hijri in the Context of Preventing the Spread of Covid-19.


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