Juridical Analysis of Doctors Engaging in Collusion with Pharmaceutical Companies in Prescription of Medications


  • Amanda Regina Pallas Heriman Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Caroline Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Clarisa Permata Hasian Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Ega Yolanda Lumban Tobing Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Johan Alexander Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Novia Naibaho Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan




Collusion, Doctor, Pharmacy Trade


In Indonesia, the legal rules that regulate the prohibition of doctors receiving gifts from pharmaceutical companies have not had a significant impact because the existing regulations only exist in the realm of ethics and administration. As a result, the collaboration between doctors and pharmaceutical companies in prescribing drugs continues and has a negative impact on patients. This research analyses the actions of doctors and pharmaceutical companies colluding in prescribing drugs to patients. The purpose of this research is to understand the legal responsibility of doctors and pharmaceutical companies colluding in prescribing drugs to patients, and also to understand the comparison of prevention of collusion between doctors and pharmaceutical companies in drug marketing in Indonesia and the United States. This study uses normative legal research because this research is only intended for written regulations, so this research is closely related to literature because it requires secondary data. The findings of this study indicate that collusion between doctors and pharmaceutical companies, which involves unethical or illegal agreements, can result in civil legal liability. However, if we review the law in the United States, the United States has stronger regulations, better transparency, and stricter legal sanctions in preventing collusion between doctors and pharmaceutical companies in drug marketing compared to Indonesia.


Law and Regulations:

The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian Civil Code.

Law Number 11 of 1980 on on the Criminal Act of Bribery of Financial/Administrative Rights of Leaders and Members of Highest/High State Institutions and Former Members of High State Institutions as well as Former Leaders of Highest/Higher State Institutions and Former Members of High State Institutions.

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Circular Letter of Minister of Health Number KF/MENKES/167/III/2014 on Drug Procurement Based on the Electronic Catalogue (E-Catalogue).

The Indonesian Medical Code of Ethics of 2012.


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