Current Issue
Lex Prospicit is a scientific journal published by the Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Pelita Harapan in collaboration with Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (AAI) and serves as a venue for scientific information in the field of law resulting from scientific research or research-based scientific law writing. The articles published in this journal cover a broad range of topics, including Business Law, Antitrust and Competition Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Agrarian Law, Health Law, Adat Law, Environmental Law, Banking Law, Cyber Law, Bankruptcy Law, WTO Law, Investment Law, Tax Law, Human Rights Law, ADR and Arbitration Law, and Labor Law.
2988-1781 (print-ISSN)| 2988-1773 (e-ISSN)
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SK Penetapan dan Pengangkatan Pengelola dan Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Lex Prospicit 2023-2024