Hubungan Xenosentrisme Konsumen, Pengaruh Sosial, dan Usia Terhadap Niat Membeli Sepeda Luar Negeri [The Relationships Between Consumer Xenocentrism, Social Influence, and Age Towards the Intention to Buy Foreign Bicycle]

Henricus Ivan Pradipta, Joseph Edwin, Agung Nugroho


Covid-19 has caused cycling trend becoming widespread globally and nationally. This phenomenon occurs simultaneously with the increasing demand for bicycles, especially foreign bicycles in Jakarta. The preference for foreign bicycle brands may indicate the existence of consumer xenocentrism in Jakarta. The increase of cycling communities   creates a social environment that encourages foreign bicycle brand consumptions. Previous research suggests that younger consumer has greater knowledge of foreign brands rather than local brands. This study aims to determine the relationship between consumer xenocentrism, social influence (Ganbold and Gantulga, 2020), and age (Pratono and Arli, 2020) on the intention to buy foreign bicycle brands. This research implements quantitative explanatory methods and SmartPLS for hypothesis testing. Data were taken from 103 respondents who are active bicycle owners and are adults (17-63 years old) in Jakarta. Analysis shows that social influence and age do not have a significant effect on intention to buy foreign bicycle brands. Consumer xenocentrism of foreign admiration has a moderate relationship to the intention to buy foreign bicycle brands, while consumer xenocentrism of domestic rejection has no significant effect. Local bicycle manufacturers are advised to design products imitating their foreign counterparts, considering that consumers have a positive evaluation of them.

Bahasa Indonesia Abstract: Covid-19 telah menyebabkan tren bersepeda meluas secara global dan nasional. Fenomena ini terjadi bersamaan dengan meningkatnya permintaan sepeda khususnya sepeda luar negeri di Jakarta. Preferensi merek sepeda asing dapat mengindikasikan adanya xenosentrisme konsumen di Jakarta. Meningkatnya komunitas bersepeda menciptakan lingkungan sosial yang mendorong konsumsi merek sepeda asing. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa konsumen yang lebih muda memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih besar tentang merek asing daripada merek lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara xenosentrisme konsumen, pengaruh sosial (Ganbold & Gantulga, 2020), dan usia (Pratono & Arli, 2020) terhadap niat membeli sepeda merk luar negeri. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan metode kuantitatif explanatory dan SmartPLS untuk pengujian hipotesis. Data diambil dari 103 responden pemilik sepeda aktif dan dewasa (17–63 tahun) di Jakarta. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh sosial dan usia tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat beli sepeda merek luar negeri. Xenosentrisme konsumen terkait kekaguman asing memiliki hubungan sedang dengan niat membeli merek sepeda asing, sedangkan xenosentrisme konsumen terkait penolakan domestik tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Produsen sepeda lokal disarankan untuk merancang produk meniru produk luar negeri, mengingat penilaian positif konsumen terhadap mereka.


xenosentrisme konsumen; pengaruh sosial; usia; niat membeli sepeda merk luar negeri; consumer xenocentrism; social influence; age; intention to buy foreign bicycle brands


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