Rehabilitation Center For Mental Disorders Using Therapeutic Architecture Approach
Mental health is an aspect that is as important as physical health and needs to be paid attention to improve the quality of human life. Mental health conditions influence psychological, social and emotional well-being. In recent years, mental health has become an important topic to discuss because the prevalence of mental disorders in Indonesia is quite high. According to Riset Kesehatan Dasar, 2018 (Riskesdas) the prevalence of mental disorders, especially for those aged 15 years and over has increased. Unfortunately, only 2.6% accessed counseling services or facilities. Apart from healing through psychotherapy and biomedical rehabilitation, environmental factors also contribute to the success recovery of their mental health. This can be done by means of architectural design by integrating the natural environment and controlling other factors such as sound, color, sight and light to create a therapeutic environment that can help the patient’s healing process. The researchers use the therapeutic architecture approach to the rehabilitation centre for mental disorders as a design method. Located in Bogor Regency with a special sloped site, the design illustrates implementation of therapeutic architecture, including the site plan, floor plan, building facade, landscape, and the interior.