Possibility Transition to Hybrid Working System for Interior - Architecture Consultants in the Post-Pandemic Era
Over time, the world community began to be able to live side by side with the Covid-19 pandemic. One of those is in the work system of the interior design and architecture consultant office that has gone through the work from home process with all the benefits and drawbacks, so interior design and architecture consultants still need a work from office way of working. Adaptation of work from a working system at home to a working system that is more responsive to current needs, namely the Hybrid system. This new work system is considered more effective and efficient considering its adaptability which is safer and more comfortable to complete design work, this system of course relies heavily on many strong supporters, one of which is the readiness of the office to respond to these safe and comfortable needs. Adapting to new needs for an office today are two sides of consideration that must be improved, the first side is the comfort and security of the office from the pandemic, on the other hand, is the ability to adapt to the possibility of working with a hybrid system. Through this study, the author will discuss the possibility that arises from fulfilling the safety and comfort factor through the point of view of apprentice students who work in interior design and architectural consultants, through the ethnographic method which is carried out through in-depth interviews, so that qualitative data is collected enough to build this writing.
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