Pengembangan Kampung Pesilat sebagai Wisata Budaya Kabupaten Madiun

Toton Aristono, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Rony Syaifullah


The tourism sector represents an area's potential and attractiveness due to its various uniqueness. Each region has distinct cultural characteristics that have been passed down through generations. Madiun Regency is one of the East Java Province areas with a strong connection to a traditional pencak silat culture. The history of pencak silat development in the Madiun Regency began in the 1900s and is still being maintained today. The presence of 14 pencak silat schools in Madiun Regency attests to this. However, the numerous Pencak silat schools in Madiun Regency frequently result in violence and conflict cases among other Pencak silat schools. This is what motivates the Madiun Regency Government to adopt pencak silat as the original culture of Madiun Regency, to change the community's negative perception of pencak silat and make the potential of pencak silat as the city branding of Madiun Regency with the brand name of Kabupaten Madiun Kampung Pesilat Indonesia. The method used in this study is a qualitative description with an interpretive single-study approach. Data collection methods include observation, literature review, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. According to the findings of this study, the Madiun Regency Government's strategy is to educate the public through city branding as cultural tourism and foster synergy among stakeholders to foster good cooperation. Furthermore, it involves the community, entrepreneurs, and business people in the development of this branding. The government also develops a city branding policy and implements it through activities to increase tourist visits and regional income. However, the implementation of city branding must be improved so that people benefit from it.


Tourism, Pencak Silat, City branding

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Copyright (c) 2021 Toton Aristono, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Rony Syaifullah

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