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Happiness is something that every individual wants. That's why everyone will do anything to achieve that happiness. Even though sometimes that happiness is not true happiness. This is because most scholars and philosophers teach false happiness, worldly happiness. This research discusses the happiness taught by Jesus based on Matthew 5, to see and find eternal and ultimate happiness. By using qualitative research methods, especially literature review, the research results show how different the happiness of Jesus and the happiness of this world are. People who feel happiness according to Jesus' teachings are those who are spiritually poor so that they always have a desire to be satisfied by the power and word of God; those who mourn over sin, evil and unrighteousness; those who are meek; those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will always be satisfied by God; those who are generous because they will receive a reward; those who are pure in heart because they will see God; and those who are peacemakers, who are persecuted for righteousness' sake and who for Jesus' sake are persecuted, reproached, and maligned.


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