Implementasi Media Pembelajaran MuseScore untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Notasi Balok Siswa Kelas VII di SMP Strada Santa Anna [The Implementation of Musescore as Instructional Media to Improve Seventh-Grade Students’ Music Notation Reading Skills at SMP Strada Santa Anna]

Esther Febiola, Jane Andreas Djie


In contemporary music teaching, music teachers utilize instructional media to heighten students’ musical abilities, such as the students’ ability to read music notation. In learning music notation itself, there are various music notation software applied to optimize students’ music learning – one of them is MuseScore. MuseScore is a free music notation software that is implemented in various contexts, such as in schools, music courses, choirs, orchestras, and others. Unfortunately, there were limited studies in Indonesia that have already examined MuseScore as a music instructional media in the classroom. This research aims to analyze MuseScore's implementation as instructional media and its capability to improve music notation reading skills of seventh-grade students at SMP Strada Santa Anna. This research method is classroom action research. The researcher conducted pre-test and post-test on the variable and control classes. The classroom research was carried out in three meetings, with a duration of 90 minutes for each meeting. After conducting pre-test and post-test, the two results were analyzed and investigated to determine the average scores of both classes, the score improvements, and their percentages. The data analysis results showed that the implementation of MuseScore as a music instructional media could improve the music notation reading skills of seventh-grade students. These results indicated that the increase in average score percentage is higher on the variable class students, which is 18.07% compared to 10.02% for the control class students.


Bahasa Indonesia Abstract:

Pada pengajaran musik era kontemporer, guru seni musik memanfaatkan media pembelajaran guna meningkatkan kemampuan bermusik pada siswa, seperti kemampuan membaca notasi balok. Dalam pembelajaran notasi balok sendiri, terdapat berbagai media pembelajaran dengan perangkat lunak notasi musik yang dapat mengoptimalkan pembelajaran musik – salah satunya adalah MuseScore. MuseScore adalah perangkat lunak notasi balok yang gratis dan dapat digunakan di berbagai konteks seperti sekolah, kursus musik, paduan suara, orkestra, dan lain-lain. Sayangnya, masih sedikit penelitian yang mengkaji MuseScore sebagai media pembelajaran musik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan media pembelajaran MuseScore dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan kemampuan membaca notasi balok siswa kelas VII di SMP Strada Santa Anna. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Peneliti melakukan pre-test dan post-test pada kelas variabel dan kontrol. Tindakan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pertemuan, dengan durasi 90 menit pada setiap pertemuannya. Setelah melaksanakan pre-test dan post-test, kedua hasil tersebut dianalisis dan diselidiki untuk mengetahui nilai rata-rata yang didapat pada kedua kelas, peningkatan nilai, dan persentase peningkatan nilai. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, penerapan media pembelajaran MuseScore dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca notasi balok siswa kelas VII. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa persentase peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa kelas variabel lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol, yaitu 18,07% untuk kelas variabel dan 10,02% untuk kelas kontrol.

In contemporary music teaching, music teachers utilize instructional media to heighten students’ musical abilities, such as the students’ ability to read music notation. In learning music notation itself, there are various music notation software applied to optimize students’ music learning – one of them is MuseScore. MuseScore is a free music notation software that is implemented in various contexts, such as in schools, music courses, choirs, orchestras, and others. Unfortunately, there were limited studies in Indonesia that have already examined MuseScore as a music instructional media in the classroom. This research aims to analyze MuseScore's implementation as instructional media and its capability to improve music notation reading skills of seventh-grade students at SMP Strada Santa Anna. This research method is classroom action research. The researcher conducted pre-test and post-test on the variable and control classes. The classroom research was carried out in three meetings, with a duration of 90 minutes for each meeting. After conducting pre-test and post-test, the two results were analyzed and investigated to determine the average scores of both classes, the score improvements, and their percentages. The data analysis results showed that the implementation of MuseScore as a music instructional media could improve the music notation reading skills of seventh-grade students. These results indicated that the increase in average score percentage is higher on the variable class students, which is 18.07% compared to 10.02% for the control class students.


MuseScore; Membaca Notasi Balok

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