Analisis Subjektif Teknik Perekaman Stereo Pada Ensambel Tanjidor [Subjective Analysis of Stereo Recording Techniques in Tanjidor Ensembles]

Jack Arthur Simanjuntak, Dave Nathanael


The Tanjidor ensemble is one of the traditional musical ensembles left by the Portuguese that grew up in Indonesia and was developed by the Sundanese and Betawi people. Until now, there has been no study of subjective analysis of the recording results of the tanjidor stereo ensemble recording. The purpose of this study was to analyze the participants' preferences for stereo recording techniques in tanjidor ensembles. Sixteen samples of tanjidor ensemble recordings were performed using four stereo microphone techniques, namely XY90º, NOS, ORTF, and AB. Two microphone height variables, namely 1 meter and 1.5 meters, and two microphone distance variables to the ensemble, namely 2 meters and 3 meters were applied to sample making. Participants were asked to rate the results of the sample recording using a scale of five ranging from Very Poor to Very Good. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to investigate the criteria used by the participants in assessing the quality of the recording samples. The study shows that the ORTF stereo microphone technique with a variable distance of 3 meters and a height of 1.5 meters is the main preference of all 16 samples. Clear instrument separation, high percussion balance, and stereo image are the three main considerations in determining the recording quality of the Tanjidor ensemble sample. This finding implies that the spatial and timbre factors of the sound source are fundamentally significant in the further development of this ensemble recording.

Ensambel Tanjidor adalah salah satu ensambel musik tradisional peninggalan bangsa Portugis yang tumbuh di Indonesia dan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat Sunda dan Betawi. Hingga saat ini, belum ditemukan studi analisis subjektif hasil perekaman perekaman stereo ensambel tanjidor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis preferensi naracoba terhadap teknik perekaman stereo pada ensambel tanjidor. Enam belas sampel perekaman ensambel tanjidor dilakukan menggunakan empat teknik mikrofon stereo yaitu XY90º, NOS, ORTF, dan AB. Dua variabel ketinggian mikrofon yaitu 1 meter, dan 1,5 meter serta dua variabel jarak mikrofon terhadap ensambel yaitu 2 meter, dan 3 meter diterapkan pada pembuatan sampel. Naracoba diminta memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil perekaman sampel menggunakan skala lima mulai dari Sangat Buruk hingga Sangat Baik. Selanjutnya dilakukan wawancara untuk menginvestigasi kriteria yang digunakan naracoba di dalam menilai kualitas sampel perekaman. Studi menunjukkan bahwa teknik mikrofon stereo ORTF dengan variabel jarak 3 meter dan tinggi 1,5 meter merupakan preferensi utama dari keseluruhan 16 sampel. Separasi instrumen yang jelas, kesetimbangan perkusi yang tinggi, dan citra stereo menjadi tiga pertimbangan pokok dalam menentukan kualitas perekaman sampel ensambel tanjidor. Temuan ini mengimplikasikan bahwa faktor spasial dan timbre dari sumber bunyi adalah hal mendasar yang signifikan dalam pengembangan perekaman ensambel ini selanjutnya.


teknik rekaman stereo; ensambel tanjidor; uji subjektif; stereo recording techniques; tanjidor ensambles; subjective test

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