Manuscript Structures

Manuscript Structures

This section provides information on the section headings and detailed information to include in the manuscript. Please note that your manuscript must include all the headings and information to be considered for peer review and publication.


  • The title must be concise, between 8 to 14 words. It must describe the main topic of the paper.
  • If appropriate, include the study design, such as “The relationship between parenting style and school achievement: A qualitative study.”
  • Provide the full names and institutional addresses of all authors. If a collaboration group, please list the Group Name and add the details of the group members in the “Acknowledgements” section.
  • Indicate the corresponding author and provide an email address for correspondence.


  • The abstract should be submitted in English and Indonesian.
  • The length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words, 150 words for English abstract and 150 words for Indonesian abstract.
  • Please minimize or avoid the use of abbreviations in the abstract.
  • Do not include any citations or references in the abstract.
  • The abstract must include the following information:
  • Background: the context and purpose of the study.
  • Methods: the conduct of the study.
  • Results: a brief overview of the study findings.
  • Conclusions: potential implications of the study findings.
  • Trial/Literature Review Registration Number: if appropriate.


  • Three to five keywords representing the study’s main content, presented in alphabetical order.
  • Keywords provided in English and Indonesian.


  • The background should contain the information that leads to the study, a summary of an adequate number of the existing literature, why the study is necessary or its contribution to the field, and the study aims. The study aims should be given at the end of the background section.


The methods section should include:

  • Study Setting: provides a brief overview of the relevant context related to the study topic.
  • Study Population and Sampling Method: describes the characteristics of the populations, the study participants, the sampling method, and the number of participants in each category or group.
  • Selection and Recruitment of Study Participants: explains the process of recruiting participants in the study, the process of Plain Language Statement (PLS), informed consent attainment, whether verbal or written, and voluntary participation in the study.
  • Data Collection Methods: details the study design whether quantitative, qualitative, or mixed; data collection tools or research instruments; and conceptual framework that guides the study design.
  • Data Analysis: explains the type of statistical analysis, including a power calculation if appropriate for quantitative data, and analysis methods for qualitative data, including supporting software if appropriate.

Ethics Approval and Confidentiality

  • Ethics Approval: describes the ethics approval attained before the study started as well as other details, such as the name of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) issuing the ethics clearance, the number of the ethics document, and the dates of the clearance periods.
  • Research Permit: includes all research permits attained for the study, including a research permit from the institution where the study took place.
  • Confidentiality: explains how the research maintains the confidentiality of participants and the information they provided during the study and in the publication of findings.


The result section presents the study findings, consistent with the background. It should not contain any overall conclusions of the study or any discussions of the findings.

  • Participant Characteristics: provides a descriptive analysis of the study participants, including sociodemographic or other characteristics relevant to the study.
  • Findings: presents the study findings in an order that helps readers easily understand the results. For example, authors may refer to the conceptual framework used in the study.
  • Quantitative Study: should include statistical analysis results, confidence level, and error margin.
  • Qualitative Study: should contain direct quotations of participants to support the study findings.


  • Interpretation: the discussion elaborates on the study results by interpreting and comparing the study findings with other research in similar contexts, if appropriate, or research investigating similar topics if studies in similar contexts are unavailable. Each finding should refer to at least one previous study.
  • Study Limitations: the section should also discuss the study limitation and its impact on the generalizability of the results.

Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Conclusions: summarizes the study findings and whether the findings answer the research aims. Also, it highlights aspects that are consistent and inconsistent with the conceptual framework.
  • Recommendations: consist of the implications of the study findings and further study needed.


Consists of the kinds of literature that are relevant to the study topics and in similar contexts, whenever available. The authors should demonstrate that they have investigated enough literature to support their study.


The manuscript must contain the following sections under the Declarations section. Please state “Not Applicable” if any of the sections are not relevant to your manuscript.

  • Consent for Publication: describes the attainment of written consent from the study participants or their legal guardian/parent for children to publish any personal data in any form, including images or videos. The consent forms should not be attached to the manuscript, but we may request to see a copy at any stage before and after the publication. If the manuscript does not contain any personal data, please state “Not Applicable” in this section.
  • Data Transparency: All manuscripts must include a statement of ‘Availability of Data and Materials’. This section should include a statement about where to find datasets supporting the study findings, preferably in the public domain. When it is not possible to share the datasets publicly due to confidentiality reasons, the authors should state in the manuscript any conditions for other researchers or readers to access the datasets.
  • Competing Interests: Authors should declare all financial and non-financial competing interests in this section. We define competing interests as conflicts of interest or competing interests that might affect the authors’ judgment. Both the authors and reviewers must declare all their conflicting interests in full. We may decline to process the manuscript for peer review or publication when find out that the authors fail to declare their competing interests. If authors have no competing interests, please state “We declare that we have no competing interests” in this section.
  • Funding: Authors should mention all sources of funding for the research. The role of the funding body in the study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and the writing of the manuscript should be declared.
  • Authors’ Contribution: The authors should meet the criteria for authorship. This section should specify the individual contributions of the authors in the manuscript. Please use two-letter initials to refer to each author. Finally, all authors should read and approve the manuscript.
  • Acknowledgments: In this section, authors acknowledge people who contributed to the manuscript but do not meet the criteria for authorship, including anyone who provided proofreading services. Authors should obtain consent from all individuals mentioned in this section before including their names in the manuscript. Please write "Not applicable" if the authors do not have anyone to acknowledge.