Formatting Guidelines

Please make sure the manuscript follows the formatting requirement before submission. We will return papers that do not meet the requirements for revisions by authors before proceeding with the peer review process.

  • Document Type: word document (.doc) or (.docx).
  • Manuscript Body: title headings and subheadings as relevant.
  • Footnotes: avoid footnotes as much as possible.
  • Paper Format: paper size - A4 (210 mm x 297 mm); page margins – top/bottom/left/right – 2.5 cm; spacing – 1.5 lines.
  • Fonts: manuscript body - Cambria; font size - 11 points; alignment – justified. For headings - Cambria; font size – 11 points, style - bold.
  • Figures, Tables, and Graphs:
    • should be numbered and uploaded in the order they are first mentioned in the text.
    • a title maximum of 15 words and a legend maximum of 300 words should be included in the main manuscript and not as a separate document in the graphic files.
    • must be submitted in editable format.
    • should not exceed 10 MB for individual figures, tables, or graphs.
  • Referencing Style: APA format, preferably using Mendeley or EndNote.
  • Supporting Information: should be numbered in the order they are referred to in the manuscript. The item names for supporting files begin with “S”. For example, “S1 Appendix. Interview guide”, “S2 Appendix. Ethical Clearance Letter”, and so on. Supporting files may take any type with a maximum of 20 MB in size.