
Συνδεθείτε ή Εγγραφείτε για να κάνετε μία υποβολή.

Λίστα Ελέγχου Προετοιμασίας Υποβολής

Κατά την υποβολή εργασιών στο περιοδικό, ζητείται από τους Συγγραφείς να επιβεβαιώσουν ότι η υποβολή ανταποκρίνεται στα ακόλουθα κριτήρια. Μη συμβατές υποβολές ενδέχεται να επιστραφούν στους Συγγραφείς.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file uses Jurnal Lectura.
  • The text is justified with 1 line spacing; uses a 11-point font; Times New Romans, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. The full stylistic and bibliographic requirements are outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • ALL REFERENCES ARE PROPERLY FORMATTED ACCORDING TO APA GUIDELINES. DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) or URLs ARE INCLUDED when available. For assistance finding DOIs of cited references, go to http://search.crossref.org. After locating the correct DOI and reference, choose Action > Cite > APA to ensure it is cited properly.

    During Step 3 of the submission process, the list of APA-formated references will need to be pasted into a separate References text box.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Οδηγίες για τους Συγγραφείς

 Click Download Template 

A.     Manuscript Format

The manuscript's text is written in Microsoft (MS) Word (version 7.0 or later). Manuscripts are typed in Times New Roman, single-spaced, font 11, one column.

Manuscript text (including title page, abstract, main text, and references) followed by tables and figures must be in a word file. Each number must be labelled with a numeric number. Manuscripts that do not comply with the "Manuscript Format" and "Scriptwriting Organization" will be returned to the author.

Template of manuscript format is given in the website/ OJS of Jurnal Lectura.

The text of the manuscript must be written according to the template. The length of the manuscript is 5000-8000 words.

B. Scriptwriting Organization

1. Articles

Articles are research reports containing detailed descriptions of original research and/or summaries of scientific articles in the field of communication and media science, theoretical studies within the scope of communication science and/or theoretical applications to the latest issues in the media field or book reviews. The manuscript should be written in ENGLISH. Articles should be structured in parts (1) Abstract (English), (2) Introduction, (3) Literature review: theories and concepts (4) Methods, (5) Results (6) Discussion (7) Conclusions and (8) Reference.

2. Article Title

The title must be specific, effective, and straightforward, maximum 12 words. Typed in Times New Roman 14pt, single space and bold.

3. Abstract (font-size: 12, bold)

Each article must be accompanied by an abstract paragraph maximum of 300 words with single space, Times New Roman 10pts. It is a summary of the entire research covering the background, objectives, methods, results and conclusions in a short and clear form. The number of words in the abstract is between 200 to 300 words. The abstracts must be written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia (example is given in the template of article).

4. Keywords (font-size: 10, italics)

Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords (keywords) written in alphabetical order. Keywords can be concepts, avoid standard terms and abbreviations.

5. Introduction (font size: 12, bold)

 Articles are written using Times News Roman 12-point font, single-spaced. The number of article pages between 10 to 20 pages. The introduction must contain (in sequence) general background, previous literature review (state of the art) as the basis for the statement of scientific novelty of the article, statement of scientific novelty, and research problems or hypotheses. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the article's study must be written. The introduction should include a literature review covering the theories and concepts used in the article””the preliminary composition of the entire article is a maximum 35%.

Introduction (Introduction) presents the objectives of the study/research/reported manuscript and those with previous work. Use of references or citations only as necessary to provide the most prominent background for the reader to understand. It also contains a brief description of the purpose of the study/research/script and research results.

6. Methodology

The methodology includes information on the researcher's paradigm (not mandatory), the research approach (qualitative/quantitative), the method used, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques. The composition of the method for the entire article ranges from 10 - to 15%.

8. Results and Discussion/Discussion (font-size: 12, bold)

Results and discussion can be separated if it is too long. This section shows a summary of the research results and the researcher's interpretation in relation to the theory/concept used.

9. Conclusion (font-size: 12, bold)

This section contains:

  1. Summary of research findings and interpretation
  2. Academic suggestions for further related research

The composition of this section of the entire article is around 10%.

10. Reference

All references used in the body of the article must be included in this section. Otherwise, unused references need not be included in this section. References used should be published within the last three years, except for old works that are no longer published but are still relevant. Use American Psychological Association (APA) Style 7 citation style. Use of Mendeley, an open-access reference software, as a referencing manager is highly recommended.

Πολιτική Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων

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