ARTES LIBERALES: Interdisciplinary Studies Journal is published by the Center for Foundational Educationa of the University of Pelita Harapan. The journal aims to disseminate research results and ideas of academics and practitioners in the field of Interdisciplinary Studies. Topics in Arter Liberales include the theology, philosophy, Indonesian language, Civics, Pancasila, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, and Tech Skills. Artes Liberales Journal began in 2024 and is published two times a year in February and July. 

ARTES LIBERALES: Jurnal Studi Interdisipliner diterbitkan oleh Center for Foundational Education Universitas Pelita Harapan. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarkan hasil penelitian dan gagasan dari para akademisi dan praktisi di bidang Studi Interdisipliner. Topik yang dibahas dalam Artes Liberales meliputi teologi, filsafat, bahasa Indonesia, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Pancasila, kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, dan keterampilan teknologi. Jurnal Artes Liberales dimulai pada tahun 2024 dan diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Februari dan Juli.


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de-lite: Journal of Visual Communication Design Study & Practice

de.lite: Journal of Visual Communication Design Study & Practice is a peer-reviewed billingual journal that focuses on the foundational discussion of visual communication design. The journal is published by the Department of Visual Communication Design of Universitas Pelita Harapan, and managed by Universitas Pelita Harapan's Editorial dan Publication Design Laboratory (LABDEP UPH).

The journal is published twice a year, in July and December. de-lite is first published on July 2021.

2798-3609 (print ISSN)| 2798-3595 (e-ISSN)

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Feedforward: Journal of Human Resource

Feedforward: Journal of Human Resource is published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan.  The aim of this journal is to provide original research articles related to key concepts and theories in the human resource management field. There are two issues published each year, in April and September. This journal provides a forum for independent research and analysis on human resource management. This journal seeks to reflect a range of views from within the scholarly human resource studies, promote a better understanding of human resource thinking on contemporary national and international themes.

2776-2025 (e-ISSN)

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Global Legal Review

Global Legal Review, published by the Universitas Pelita Harapan Faculty of Law, is a forum for published research and the scientific discussion of law. It serves as an input to the development of both national and international law.

The journal is also a place to accommodate publications expected from doctoral candidate completing their dissertation both from domestic and foreign universities and/or research institutions.

2776-1347  (e-ISSN) | 2776-0308 (print ISSN)

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IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies

IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies is a peer-reviewed billingual journal that focuses on the foundational discussion of graphic design studies. The journal is published by the Department of Visual Communication Design of Universitas Pelita Harapan, and managed by Universitas Pelita Harapan's Editorial dan Publication Design Laboratory (LABDEP UPH).

IMATYPE publishes on February and August yearly. The publication accepts papers on Bahasa or English.

2828-4151 (print ISSN) | 2828-3953 (e-ISSN)

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Indonesian Digital Marketing Journal

Indonesian Digital Marketing Journal is published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan. The aim of the Indonesian Digital Marketing Journal is to provide original research articles related to key concepts and theories in the digital marketing field. 

2776-5997 (e-ISSN)

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Indonesian Journal of Hospital Administration and Health Care Service

The Indonesian Journal of Hospital Administration and Health Care Service (IJHAHS) is the official publication of the Hospital Administration Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia.

IJHAHS is bi-annual publication, an open access, peer-reviewed online journal for dissemination of research in the field of hospital management and health care service. The scope includes but not limited to hospital administration, management in health care organization and organizational behaviour in hospital, health care services marketing, hospital supply chain, health care quality, health policy, health facilities management, hospital accreditation, health care information and technology, and other health care related service.

The aim of IJHAHS is to provide original research and review articles related to theories, key concepts, and practices in the hospital administration and health care service management.

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Indonesian Marketing Journal

Indonesian Marketing Journal is published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan. The aim of Indonesian Marketing Journal is to provide original research articles related to key concepts and theories in the marketing field. 

2776-6004 (e-ISSN)

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Jurnal Finansial dan Perbankan (JFP)

Jurnal Finansial dan Perbankan is published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan. The aim of Jurnal Finansial dan Perbankan is to provide original research articles related to key concepts and theories in the finance and banking field.

2828-3872 (e-ISSN)

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Jurnal Hukum Visio Justisia

Jurnal Hukum Visio Justisia is published by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Pelita Harapan in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and serves as a venue for scientific information in the field of law resulting from scientific research or research-based scientific law writing. It covers a broad range of topics, including Business Law, Antitrust and Competition Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Agrarian Law, Health Law, Adat Law, Environmental Law, Banking Law, Cyber Law, Bankruptcy Law, WTO Law, Investment Law, Tax Law, Human Rights Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Law, and Labor Law.

2807-1980 (print ISSN) | 2807-1603  (e-ISSN)

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Jurnal Ketopong Pendidikan

Journal Ketopong Pendidikan (JKP) is a national journal managed by Master of Educational Technology Study Program, Universitas Pelita Harapan. Jurnal Ketopong Pendidikan focuses on the study of Educational Management and Leadership. Articles published in the Journal Ketopong Pendidikan cover original research, theoretical and empirical studies. Each manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal Ketopong Pendidikan will go through a double blind review process. Journal Ketopong Pendidikan is managed online and employs an open access system.

2798-124X (e-ISSN)

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Started in 2007, Jurnal SENI MUSIK is a scholarly journal of music, published biannually by the Conservatory of Music, Universitas Pelita Harapan. The journal aims to disseminate articles of research, literature study, or reviews. It is published in May and October.
1829-8990 (print ISSN) | 2580-5371 (e-ISSN) 

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Jurnal Teropong Pendidikan

Started in 2021, Jurnal Teropong Pendidikan (JTP) is a national journal published 3 times per year by the Master of Educational Technology Study Program at the Universitas Pelita Harapan. Jurnal Teropong Pendidikan focuses on the study of educational technology. Articles published in the journal cover original research, theoretical and empirical studies, and R&D. Manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal Teropong Pendidikan go through a double blind review process. 

2775-1597 (e-ISSN)

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Law Review

Law Review is published by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Pelita Harapan and serves as a venue for scientific information in the field of law resulting from scientific research or research-based scientific law writing. It covers a broad range of topics, including Business Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Agrarian Law, Medical Law, Customary Law, Environmental Law, and another section related to contemporary issues in legal scholarship. Law Review was established in July 2001 and is published triannually in July, November, and March.

 1412-2561 (print ISSN) | 2621-1939 (e-ISSN)

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Lex Prospicit

Lex Prospicit is a scientific journal published by the Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Pelita Harapan in collaboration with Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (AAI) and serves as a venue for scientific information in the field of law resulting from scientific research or research-based scientific law writing. The articles published in this journal cover a broad range of topics, including Business Law, Antitrust and Competition Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Agrarian Law, Health Law, Adat Law, Environmental Law, Banking Law, Cyber Law, Bankruptcy Law, WTO Law, Investment Law, Tax Law, Human Rights Law, ADR and Arbitration Law, and Labor Law.

2988-1781 (print-ISSN)| 2988-1773 (e-ISSN)

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Milestone: Journal of Strategic Management

Milestone: Journal of Strategic Management is published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pelita Harapan. The aim this journal is to provide original research articles related to key concepts and theories in the strategic management field and a forum for independent research and analysis on business, strategy, and management.  The journal seeks to reflect a range of views from within the scholarly strategic studies, promote a better understanding of strategic thinking on contemporary national and international themes. There are two issues published annually, in April and September.

2775-3565 (e-ISSN)

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Notary Journal

Notary Journal is published by the Master of Notary Study Program of the Faculty of Law at Universitas Pelita Harapan and serves as a venue for scientific information in the notary field resulting from scientific research or research-based scientific law writing. 

The journal aims to provide a venue for academicians, researchers, and practitioners to publish original research including, but not limited to, Notary Law and Regulation, Business Law, Agrarian Law, and Intellectual Property Rights Law.

2797-0213 (print ISSN) | 2776-6616 (e-ISSN)

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Polyglot: Jurnal Ilmiah

Started in 2006, Polyglot is a scientific journal of language, literature, culture, and education published biannually by the Faculty of Education at the Teachers College, Universitas Pelita Harapan. The journal aims to disseminate articles of research, literature study, reviews, or school practice experiences.

Polyglot is a SINTA 3 accredited journal by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Decree Number 10/E/KPT/2019 dated 4 April 2019 starting Vol 15, No 1, January 2019 valid for 5 years.

1907-6134 (print ISSN) | 2549-1466 (e-ISSN)

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Selaras is a scientific publication of the Psychology Study Program Universitas Pelita Harapan. Articles published in the journal are original research, literature reviews, commentary papers, and pilot studies. All articles in this journal have undergone blinded peer reviewers.

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Worldviews in International Relations

Worldviews in International Relations (WiIR) is an international scholarly journal that highlights and analyzes issues and problems in international relations or global affairs. The journal also seeks original works that critically investigates methodology or theoretical debates in International Relations. Equally, WiIR encourages interdisciplinary discussions and debates that will deepen our understanding of how global affairs and the relations between and among nations work.

WiIR is managed and published biannually by the Master of International Relations program at Universitas Pelita Harapan. 

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