Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) di Instagram Terhadap Minat Pembelian pada Merek Kosmetik Lokal yang Dimediasi oleh Citra Merek dan Sikap Merek [The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) in Instagram on Local Cosmetic Brand Mediated by Brand Image and Brand Attitude]


  • Windy Manuella Universitas Bunda Mulia
  • Ongky Alex Sander Universitas Bunda Mulia



Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), Citra Merek, Sikap Merek, Niat Beli, Brand Image, Brand Attitudes, Purchase Intention


Digitalization facilitates people in terms of accessible and distributable of information and knowledge not only domestically but also globally.  Supported by the invention of internet communication media such as social media, nowadays customers can interact among others and share information easily on their social media such as Instagram in terms of product usage experiences and review. Instagram is one of the social media that may affect customers purchase interest and purchase decision. The study will discuss several variables that affect consumers interest in buying. The variables in this research are electronic word of mouth (E-WOM), brand image, brand attitudes and purchase intention.  From these variables, researchers develop seven hypotheses that were tested on statistical analysis.  The research on consumers purchase interest in local cosmetic brands is a causal study with quantitative research methods.  The total sample of this research is 165 respondents and the research data were analysed by using SMART PLS 3.2.9. The results of this study indicates that E-WOM has a significant effect on brand image, E-WOM has a significant effect on brand attitudes, E-WOM has a significant effect on purchase intention, brand attitude has a significant effect on purchase intention, brand image mediates E-WOM on purchase intention and brand attitude mediates E-WOM on purchase intention.   

Bahasa Indonesia Abstract: Digitalisasi memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi dan pengetahuan yang dapat tersebar baik di dalam negeri maupun secara global. Didukung dengan penemuan media komunikasi internet seperti media sosial saat ini, pelanggan dapat saling berinteraksi dan berbagi informasi dengan mudah di media sosial mereka seperti Instagram mengenai pengalaman penggunaan dan review produk. Instagram merupakan salah satu media sosial yang dapat memengaruhi minat dan keputusan pembelian konsumen. Penelitian ini akan membahas beberapa variabel yang memengaruhi minat pembelian konsumen. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah electronic word of mouth (E-WOM), citra merek, sikap merek, dan niat beli. Dari variabel-variabel tersebut, Peneliti mengembangkan tujuh hipotesis yang diuji pada analisis statistik. Penelitian minat beli konsumen terhadap merek kosmetik lokal merupakan penelitian kausal dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini adalah 165 responden dan data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan SMART PLS 3.2.9. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa E-WOM berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra merek, E-WOM berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sikap merek, E-WOM berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat beli, sikap merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat beli, citra merek memediasi E-WOM pada niat beli dan sikap merek memediasi E-WOM pada niat beli.


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