Construction Services, PSAK 72 and Percentage of Completion with Physical ApproachAbstract
In construction services companies, the company earns income from the company's operational activities. The revenue itself is an important element reported in the company's financial statements. changes and revenue growth as a reflection of past performance as well as prospects for the future of the company. Accounting standards or provisions that are undergoing development may cause changes in calculations and recording. Changes in standards can also affect changes in the way business models operate. International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB) and Financial Accounting Standards Boards (FASB) have developed International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 15) Revenue from Contracts with Customers then adopted into Financial Accounting Standard Statement (PSAK) 72 on Income from Contracts with Customers and came into effect on January 01, 2020. PSAK 72 regulates the separation of obligations under contract with customers in recognition of revenue, this obligation aims to fulfill promises or promises in providing goods or services to customers that will later be used as revenue This research uses qualitative methods with physical approaches, where the physical approach is more mandating output or results. The result of this study is the company's recognized revenue based on the percentage of physical settlement derived from the calculation of multiplication between the value of the contract and the progress of 2020, From the discussion and tables that have been spelled out there can bea slight difference in revenue recognition and recording of the company's revenue compared to after the implementation of PSAK 72 (2020).
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