Algania Kurniawan, Deni Iskandar


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of public information disclosure, the value of exports, and  public  consumption  on    tax  revenue  in  Indonesia  in  the  period  2011-2020. Of the 60  samples obtained from the Republic of Indonesia financial report, consumer survey report, public information access report andIndonesian export value.In processing data of this study, researchers use secondary data  and  regression  analysis.  From  the  processed  data,it  have  been  found  that public  information,export  value,  and  public  consumption  have  a  positive  and  significant  impact  on  tax  revenue. The implication of this research is to provide a detailed explanation and information regarding the effect of public information, export value, and public consumption on tax revenue in Indonesia in the period 2011-2020.


public information disclosure, export value, public consumption, and tax revenue

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