Tax Avoidance, Sales Growth, Profitability, LeverageAbstract
Company may receive significant amounts of funding through leverage activities, as compared to being constrained by internal funds. Companies typically seek leverage to fund long-term activities that incur high expenditures. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of tax avoidance, sales growth, and profitability toward leverage in food and beverages industry companies listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2017 until 2020. The independent variables used in this study are tax avoidance, sales growth, and profitability, while leverage is the independent variable.The data used in this research are secondary data obtained from food and beverages industry companies listed in IDX from 2017 to 2020. Using the purposive sampling method, out of 34 populations in the food and beverages industry, 11 companies are chosen as samples. With the four years research period, it results in a total of 44 observations. Multiple linear regression was utilized to analyze the data in this study, which was processed through SPSS 25. The result of this study discovers that tax avoidance and sales growth partially have no significant influence toward leverage. Meanwhile, profitability partially has a significant influence toward leverage. Simultaneously, tax avoidance, sales growth, and profitability have a significant influence toward leverage.
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