
  • Dewi Arun Sari Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Murtanto Murtanto Universitas Pelita Harapan


Financial Report Quality, Human Resources Competence, Information Technology Use, Internal Control System


The study aims at analyzing the factors that influence the financial report quality of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control. The analysis in the study is performed by testing the influence of internal control system and information technology use toward the financial report quality of the Agency with the agency accounting system officer competence as the moderating variable. Then, the data for the study are gathered by distributing questionnaires to 43 respondents who work as the institution accounting system officer within the Agency. After the data have been gathered, the data are analyzed by using the moderating regression analysis method. The results of the study show that the internal control system and the information technology use have positive impact toward the financial report quality of BPOM. Interestingly, the institution accounting system officer competence strengthens the influence of information technology use on the financial report quality of the Agency. On the contrary, the institution accounting system officer competence does not strengthen the influence of the internal control system toward the financial report quality of the Agency.


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