Pengaruh Media Pengajaran Dalam Peningkatan Partisipasi Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Proses Belajar Asynchronous Pada Kelas Inklusi [The Influence of Teaching Media on Improving Student Participation in Asynchronous Learning in Inclusive Classes]


  • Prinastining Dyah Wigati Universitas Sanata Dharma
  • Robinson Leonardo Ticoalu Universitas Pelita Harapan



Education, Inclusion, Google Classroom, Interactive


Every individual, including students with special needs or those with exceptional intelligence, has the same right to education. Unfortunately, many educators still lack sufficient awareness about this phenomenon. As a result, issues in the classroom related to students with special needs are often not adequately addressed. Therefore, the solution to this challenge is inclusive education. The implementation of inclusive education can help students develop their potential to the fullest. This study aims to provide basic knowledge about inclusive education to graduate students of Universitas Pelita Harapan, class of 52, through interactive learning on Google Classroom. The research uses a qualitative approach, with 18 respondents who are expected to identify early signs if one of their students shows special characteristics. The findings of the study show that the completion rate of tasks in the inclusive classroom did not fully reach 100%, indicating that some participants did not complete their assignments. However, participation in the inclusive classroom remained high, with a minimum task completion rate of 80.3%. The use of interactive and varied learning media can facilitate the development of various types of intelligence in students, creating a more inclusive and empowering learning environment.

Biografie auteur


A Master’s degree in Education at Universitas Pelita Harapan is currently being pursued. Responsibilities in supporting educational programs aligned with Kurikulum Merdeka are undertaken in the role of Partnership Manager for the Merdeka Mengajar platform. A strong focus is placed on the creation of learning experiences that integrate technology, critical thinking, and ethical reasoning. Additionally, German is taught, and expertise in curriculum development is applied to empower both students and educators.


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