Harianto Hardjasaputra



Based on Research Grant Product Application Indocement, a research team from Civil Engineering Master Program of UPH has developed production technology  of cement based tile. The objective of this research is to produce cement based tiles which are strong, simple, clean and nice. These tiles should be a competitive choice to ceramic tiles. In order to disseminate  cement based tiles  to the community, Civil Engineering Depatment of UPH and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia (HfHI) had conducted community service to train the Mauk Community in Tangerang to produce cement based tiles. The people from Mauk Community together with their Tutors from HfHI had been trained and had practised to produce cement based tiles. The training and practising had been conducted for one day at Concrete Laboratory UPH. After the training they were allowed to use the equipments, so they can train by themself to produce the cement based tiles in their home. Their own production will be used  as building materials for  housing built by HFHI

Keywords:  Product Application Indocement, cement-based tiles, tiles production



Dengan bantuan hibah penelitian Product Application Indocement, tim peneliti dari jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Pelita Harapan telah mengembangkan proses pembuatan ubin, agar dapat menghasilkan ubin  untuk lantai rumah yang kuat, rapih, bersih dan indah, sehingga dapat bersaing dengan lantai keramik. Untuk mengaplikasikan teknik pembuatan ubin ini kepada masyarakat luas, maka dengan bekerja sama Habitat for Humanity Indonesia (HfHI), telah dilakukan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berupa Pelatihan Pembuatan Ubin berbasis Semen. Para peserta yang berasal dari warga Kecamatan Mauk Tangerang disertai Tutor dari HfHI) diberikan pelatihan dan praktek pembuatan ubin selama 1 hari bertempat di Laboratorium Beton UPH. Setelah pelatihan mereka dipinjamkan peralatan pembuatan ubin agar mereka langsung dapat memproduksi sambil meningkatkan keterampilan mereka membuat ubin. Produksi ubin dari warga akan dipergunakan pada program pembangunan rumah-rumah sederhana yang didirikan oleh HfHI.

Kata kunci: Product Application Indocement, ubin berbasis semen, produksi ubin


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