The Use of Music Pattern Imitation Activity in Music Therapy to Improve Short-Term Memory in Patients with Stroke : A Case Study


  • Alysia Widjaja Pelita Harapan University
  • Kezia Karnila Putri Universitas Pelita Harapan

Kata Kunci:

Music Therapy, Stroke, Short Term Memory, Imitation of Music Pattern


Stroke is a medical condition that develops rapidly due to a sudden loss of brain function that lasts for more than 24 hours or more and can cause death. Stroke can cause a decrease in several human functional area depends on the brain damage. One of the area is cognition. Cognitive impairment in patients with stroke can lead to short-term memory loss. In this study, music therapy will be given to stroke patients aged 55-70 years old, who have short-term memory loss. Imitation activities of melodic, rhythms, or combination of the two musical elements was used in sessions. Patients were asked to imitate the music pattern that played by the researcher. This study was conducted by observing the patient’s progress form session to session and comparing the initial and final of Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Digit Span Assessment. The results showed an improvement in short-term memory of the patients through the implementation of ten sessions of music therapy. At the end of session, the patients were able to play longer and more complex musical patterns.


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