Pemaparan Pendekatan Bermusik Sri Hanuraga dan Pendekatan Desain Bunyi Kevin Leonardo Pada Lagu “The Unity of Opposites” [Exposure to Sri Hanuraga’s Musical Approach and Kevin Leonardo’s Sound Design Approach to the Song “The Unity of Opposites”]


  • Sri Hanuraga Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Kevin Leonardo Universitas Pelita Harapan

Kata Kunci:

music, jazz, sound design, conservatory


Throughout jazz music history, jazz musicians have shown their abilities to ingest other music idioms for a change. It resulted in the transformation and fluidity in the boundaries of jazz music. Continuing this tradition, Sri Hanuraga, in his new album ”” The Unvarying Fragments of Light ”” tried to explore and comprehend the music surrounding him, such as classical music, minimalist, electronic, pop, rock, and archipelago music. In this album, the exploration was fully interwoven into the composition of “The Unity of Opposites.” This research discusses the musical approach of Sri Hanuraga in his composition “The Unity of Opposites” in terms of melody, harmony, rhythm, and form. Moreover, this research also elaborates on the sound design approach of Kevin Leonardo, which is an integral part of the narrative composition of Sri Hanuraga.


Sepanjang sejarah musik jazz, musisi jazz telah menunjukkan kemampuannya menelan idiom musik lain demi pembaruan. Hal ini mengakibatkan  perubahan dan cairnya batas-batas musik jazz. Melanjutkan tradisi tersebut, Sri Hanuraga, pada album terbarunya ””The Unvarying Fragments of Light ”” mencoba mengeksplor dan memahami keterlemparannya di tengah musik yang mengelilinginya, seperti musik klasik, minimalis, elektronik, pop, rock dan musik nusantara. Dalam album tersebut ekpslorasi yang dimaksud terjalin secara utuh dalam komposisi “The Unity of Opposites.” Penelitian ini membahas pendekatan bermusik Sri Hanuraga pada komposisi “The Unity of Opposites” dalam aspek melodi, harmoni, ritme dan bentuk. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga akan menjabarkan pendekatan sound design Kevin Leonardo yang menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari narasi komposisi Sri Hanuraga.


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