Strategi Pemasaran Event Kompetisi Piano Hybrid di UPH National Piano Competition 2022 [Marketing Strategy for Hybrid Piano Competition at UPH National Piano Competition 2022]


  • Yosia Revie Pongoh UPH Conservatory of Music


classical music, piano, competition, marketing strategy


The live music performance sector was very affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, we found very few live music performances. We are glad now that we have entered the post-pandemic period that allowed us to conduct any music activities directly.  In the pop music scene in Indonesia there are many concerts and music festivals have begun, but not so in the classical music scene. There are not many concerts, festivals, or competitions are held until now. Nevertheless, there was a piano competition that had been successfully held in June 2022 on a national scale and conducted in hybrid mode. This study investigated marketing strategies carried out by the UPH Conservatory of Music as the organizer of UPH National Piano Competition 2022. The research method was carried out qualitatively with a case study approach. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the organization had formulated the goals to be achieved, the value to be given to the participants, and determined the position between other competitors. The organization also set the specific target of the intended participant and formulated the right strategy for the target of the participants. Based on the analysis, there are strategies that are considered effective by the organizers such as the determination of core products and additional products, pricing strategy on competition based, and the selection of appropriate distribution channels, and also the selection of appropriate promotional media in accordance with the behavior of the target of the participant's age. Through the model found in this study, it is hoped that it can be applied to other classical music competition event organizers who are using hybrid method. The limitation of this study that it is only discusses about the application of marketing strategies carried out by the organizers. More research on consumer behavior is necessary to find out about the reason that underlie consumers in making purchasing decisions.


Bahasa Indonesia Abstract:

Sektor Pertunjukan musik langsung sangat terdampak oleh adanya pandemic covid-19. Selama pandemic berlangsung sangat sedikit pertunjukan musik diadakan secara langsung, begitu pula kegiatan kompetisi musik secara langsung. Memasuki masa post-pandemic sudah dimungkinkan mengadakan kegiatan musik secara langsung, di skena musik pop sudah banyak konser dan festival musik mulai diadakan kembali, namun tidak demikian pada skena musik klasik di Indonesia, belum banyak konser, festival, ataupun kompetisi dilaksanakan. Meskipun demikian, terdapat sebuah kompetisi piano klasik yang telah berhasil dilaksanakan secara langsung pada bulan juni 2022 yang lalu yang berskala nasional dan dilaksanakan secara Hybrid secara online dan onsite. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh pihak UPH Conservatory of Music sebagai penyelenggara UPH National Piano Competition 2022. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara kualitataif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa penyelanggara telah merumuskan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, nilai yang ingin diberikan kepada peserta, dan menentukan posisi diantara kompetisi piano lainnya. Setelah itu penyelenggara menetapkan secara spesifik target peserta yang dituju dan merumuskan strategi yang tepat bagi target peserta tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis, terdapat strategi-strategi yang dinilai efektif oleh penyelenggara seperti penetapan core product dan addititional products, penetapan harga berdasarkan competition based, dan pemilihan kanal distribusi yang tepat, dan pemilihan media promosi yang tepat sesuai dengan behavioral dari target umur peserta.

Kata Kunci : Musik Klasik, Piano, Kompetisi, Strategi Marketing



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