Analisis Deskriptif Keefektifan Komposisi “Karnivor” Karya Stefanus Prabaswara dalam Penyampaian Pesan Tentang Kerusakan Lingkungan
Every year, an average of 270 million tons of plastic were produced in the world, 8 million tons of which ended up on the coast, while 10-100 thousand tons of plastic were in seawater (Hannah & Roser, 2018). This alarming issue of environmental damage needs to be raised so that more people are encouraged to take part in preserving the environment. In recent years, several musicians took part by promoting concerning environmental issues through their music. Kathleen Marie Higgins in her book entitled "The Music Between Us: Is Music a Universal Language?", argued that music moved people beyond linguistic boundaries. In this research, the writer who is also a music composer, creates a musical composition entitled “Karnivor”, which contains messages of environmental preservation utilizing composition techniques such as mixed-media, soundscape, and word-painting. The work was then analyzed for its effectiveness in conveying messages descriptively with quantitative research methods. The musical composition was broadcasted live online via the Youtube site. Through the Google Forms platform, questionnaires were distributed to 33 respondents or audience, who were mainly students and lecturers of the Conservatory of Music Pelita Harapan University and the general public. The data that has been processed using the Binomial Distribution Formula and IBM SPSS software v.26 showed that the compositional work "Karnivor" was effective in conveying messages of environmental damage to the audience.
Setiap tahun, rata-rata 270 juta ton plastik diproduksi di dunia ini, 8 juta ton di antaranya berakhir di pesisir pantai, sedangkan ada 10-100 ribu ton plastik yang berada di air laut (Hannah & Roser, 2018). Isu kerusakan lingkungan yang memprihatinkan ini perlu diangkat supaya semakin banyak masyarakat terdorong untuk turut melestarikan lingkungan. Dewasa ini, beberapa musisi telah ikut berperan dalam mengkampanyekan isu kerusakan lingkungan melalui karya musik mereka. Kathleen Marie Higgins dalam bukunya yang berjudul “The Music Between Us: Is Music a Universal Language?”, berargumen bahwa musik menggerakkan orang melebihi batas linguistik. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis yang juga adalah seorang komponis musik, menciptakan suatu karya musik yang di dalamnya terkandung pesan pelestarian lingkungan dengan teknik komposisi mixed-media, soundscape, dan word-painting. Komposisi tersebut kemudian diteliti keefektifannya dalam menyampaikan pesan tersebut secara deskriptif dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Karya musik tersebut disiarkan langsung secara daring melalui situs Youtube. Melalui platform Google Forms, kuesioner dibagikan kepada 33 responden atau penonton yang berasal dari mahasiswa dan dosen Conservatory of Music Universitas Pelita Harapan dan kalangan umum. Data yang telah diolah dengan Binomial Distribution Formula dan perangkat lunak IBM SPSS v.26 menunjukkan bahwa karya “Karnivor” efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan kerusakan lingkungan kepada pendengar.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Stefanus Medha Prabaswara, Olivia Evelin Sundari
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