
  • Martin Luqman Katoppo Universitas Pelita Harapan


JSDIS Vol. 6 Edition 1 continues the discussion of Design as Strategy case studies that began in JSDIS Vol. 5 Editions 1 and 2. JSDIS Vol. 6 Editions 1 and 2 are also special editions that are related to the National Seminar on Social Design ( ,, and the International Conference on Social Design (ICSD) ( which was just completed by the Faculty of Design, Pelita Harapan University on 4th-5th September, 2024. The themes raised by SNDS and ICSD 2024 are in accordance with the discussion themes of JSDIS Vol. 5, namely: Design as Strategy, with 3 sub-themes for discussion: Body of Knowledge, Innovation and Contribution to Social Change.


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