
  • Jhones Gandang Satria Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Henni Sitompul Universitas Pelita Harapan


Concept understanding is important in physics learning because concept understanding is the basis for developing knowledge and solving problems, but the facts that occur in class XI IPA in one of the schools in Lampung, the pre-test results show that students' concept understanding is still lacking. The author applies direct instruction model as a solution to improve students' concept understanding. The writing of this paper aims to explain the application of the direct instruction model to improve students' concept understanding on the topic of static balance of the particle system of a rigid body with a qualitative descriptive method. The method used by the author is descriptive qualitative. The data sources used in preparing the paper are lesson plans, pre-test and post-test results from class XI IPA which contains 8 people. The conclusion of this paper is that the application of the direct instruction model can improve students' concept understanding and student learning outcomes. The average score of students during the pre-test was 14.94 and after applying the direct instruction model, the average score of students during the post test increased to 65.5. Suggestions for future researchers are to provide sufficient time for students to take the post test and further examine the application of direct instruction models to improve student learning outcomes.


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