Proper Implementation of the Exhaustion Theory for Increasing Benefit of Parallel Imports


  • Reggiannie Christy Natalia Universitas Pelita Harapan (Pelita Harapan University)



parallel import, exhaustion theory, intellectual property


Parallel import has been an important issue in international trade. Business people have been buying genuine products from one country and selling them to another country that offers a higher price without the permission of the intellectual property owner. This practice is not always illegal because it is protected by the laws of some countries and it depends on the types of exhaustion theory that they have applied in their national law. This study will mainly discuss the various types of exhaution theory, how the theory effects parallel imports, and the application of the theory by the EU, WTO and WIPO. Therefore, by examining the indicated areas, this study aims to find the proper implementation of exhaustion theory and thus to provide appropriate recommendations for the practice.

Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα

Reggiannie Christy Natalia, Universitas Pelita Harapan (Pelita Harapan University)

Reggiannie merupakan seorang dosen dari Prodi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pelita Harapan dan terdaftar sebagai seorang pengacara di Indonesia. Reggiannie meraih gelar S1 jurusan Hukum dari Universitas Sam Ratulangi tahun 2013 dan gelar S2 jurusan Hukum spesialis Hukum Bisnis Internasional dari Birmingham City University di tahun 2016. Dan saat ini dia juga merupakan anggota aktif dari Kongres Advokat Indonesia.


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