
  • Michelle Viandy Huang Universitas Tarumanegara




Treaty, Border Security


Indonesia and Malaysia have established cooperation on various aspects of the border regions for decades. The two countries have ratified the 1984 Security Arrangement Treaty, where the General Border Committee (“GBC”) is established to contend the security aspect of the border areas. The GBC also formed a Social Economic Committee of Indonesia and Malaysia, which is called the SOSEKMALINDO, focusing on the social and economic aspects of the border. Meanwhile, there has been the 1970 Agreement on Border Trade (“BTA”) that governs the movement of goods in and out of the border and maintain the border’s economy. As time goes by, the border cooperation between the two countries has developed, resulting the need to meet the new challenges in terms of border security. While the governments have been emphasizing its focus on economic cooperation, the security challenges are neglected. Hence, this paper provides an analysis on the urgency to reform the 1984 Security Arrangement Treaty due to the overlapping function between the GBC and the BTA.

BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Indonesia dan Malaysia telah menjalin kerja sama dalam berbagai aspek wilayah perbatasan selama beberapa dekade. Misalnya, kedua negara telah meratifikasi Security Arrangement Treaty 1984, di mana General Border Committee ("GBC") dibentuk untuk memperjuangkan aspek keamanan wilayah perbatasan. GBC juga membentuk Komite Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia dan Malaysia, yang disebut SOSEKMALINDO. Komite ini berfokus pada aspek sosial dan ekonomi perbatasan. Sementara itu, telah ada Perjanjian 1970 tentang Perdagangan Perbatasan (“BTA”) yang mengatur pergerakan barang masuk dan keluar dari perbatasan dan menjaga ekonomi perbatasan. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kerja sama perbatasan antara kedua negara telah berkembang, menghasilkan kebutuhan untuk memenuhi tantangan baru dalam hal keamanan perbatasan. Sementara pemerintah kedua negara menaruh fokusnya dalam kerja sama ekonomi, masalah keamanan masih diabaikan. Oleh karena itu, jurnal ini memberikan analisis tentang urgensi untuk mereformasi Security Arrangement Treaty 1984 atas dasar fungsi GBC dan BTA yang saling tumpang tindih.


Michelle Viandy Huang, Universitas Tarumanegara

Michelle Viandy Huang is a recent graduate from Tarumanagara University Law School where she obtained her summa cum laude Bachelor of Law degree with an expertise in Public International Law in 2020. During her studies, she participated in several international moot courts, including the Philip C. Jessup and International Humanitarian Law, and also interned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia. Prior to this, she has written several publications and other scientific writings.


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