Using the Concept of Timeframing to Implement Animation in the Motion Comic Adaptation of Bumi


  • Kezia Rachel Pangaribuan Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Alfiansyah Zulkarnain Universitas Pelita Harapan


Motion comics are known for their implementation of animation in static comics, but the goal of the animation itself is rarely thought about. Some use animation in comics just for the sake of creating a moving comic, without really thinking about the strengths animation can bring. Understanding the concept of timeframing and the seven characteristics of a motion comic will help improve the use of animation in a motion comic. 

Библиографические ссылки

McCloud S 2000 Reinventing comics: how imagination and technology are revolutionizing an art form. (Harper Collins) p 201

Goodbrey D M 2017 The impact of digital mediation and hybridisation on the form of comics. 42-59

Loyer E 2020 Timeframing: Temporal Aesthetics in Digital Comics.


