“Setan Jawa” Film: Revival Cinematic-Orchestra as Cultural Communication in Digitizing Era


  • Agustina Kusuma Dewi Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Irfansyah Irfansyah Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Acep Iwan Saidi Institut Teknologi Bandung


The film has the potential to change the style of Indonesian social interaction through the presentation of real images which is offering deeper knowledge and understanding of culture. With a revivaling cinematic-orchestra approach, Setan Jawa Film by Garin Nugroho brings up local narratives, a myth about the Pesugihan Kandang Bubrah in the early 20th century in Java as its background. Using a case study approach and documentation analysis, this research aims to identify the extent where cinematic orchestra film combines art and technology collaboratively, creating visual multiliteracies that have the potential as a medium of cultural communication. From this study, it was concluded that the understanding of visual language supports verbal language in conveying self-concepts and the concept of cultural value systems to identify a person’s identity in certain ethnic groups in a variety of global relations in the digitizing era. As a medium of cultural communication, in the cognitive setting, Setan Jawa Film revivaling cinematic-orchestra film as artistic innovations in moving image production””also offering potentiality to bring up conceptual understanding as well as analytic understanding related to cultural identity.


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