Applying Post-Colonial Theory “Inferiority Complex” Concept on Film Production in Short Film “Luckiest Man on Earth” as a Social Phenomenon
The film is a medium that can be used to convey a message or story in audio and visual form. The film, which also functions as an art medium, can be used to communicate about a social phenomenon that occurs in society. This paper aims to examine social phenomena that occur in society and reflect on these things through the film “Luckiest Man on Earth” and how the inferiority complex affects the stories contained in this film. The fictional film “Luckiest Man on Earth” tells the story of a young man who works as an ojek at a tourism location in Indonesia and meets a woman of French descent. With Google Translate, they can communicate with one another, but this is used by the motorcycle taxi driver as material to show off to friends and relatives that he has a girlfriend of French descent. This film is produced based on the concept of an inferiority complex that is deeply embedded in Indonesian society.
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