Designing Lighting in an Animated 3-Dimensional Film Adapted from a Children’s Story by Monica Wihardja (Case Study: “Marapu dan Kampung Tarung”)

Ronaldo Kilimandu Dinguamah, Alfiansyah Zulkarnain


The issue of discrimination is an issue faced by a multicultural country like Indonesia. One form of discrimination is religious discrimination. Such acts of discrimination are still experienced by some religions or broad beliefs in Indonesia, one of which is Marapu. Marapu is a traditional religion adhered to by the people of Sumba. Therefore, this issue was raised in the form of a short 3D animated film, with the aim of raising the public about the issue of religious discrimination that is still happening in Indonesia. The content of the children’s storybook entitled Marapu dan Kampung Tarung and the cultural context of Sumba were used as the basis for the concept. Meanwhile, the keywords are enlightened and heavenly as a visual reference. In this paper, the lighting aspect will be used as a case study in bringing the issues of discrimination, theology, and cosmology from Marapu’s teachings into a short 3D animation. 

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