The Effects of User-Generated Content on Social Media Advertising Strategy in A Case Study of #Gundalafanart Campaign For The Movie “Gundala” (2019)
Both the use of UGC in the designing process of social media advertising and social media advertising itself, are two relatively new developments following the information age. Time and time again the various effects and outcomes of UGC in social media advertising, including positive and negative responses which accordingly changed audience perception of the advertised. One recent example is the use of #GundalaFanart, a call for fan art submissions to promote the 2019 Indonesian superhero movie, “Gundala”. The case study method will be used to analyze the implementation of this UGC on the advertising of “Gundala”, and to provide an example of how much it affects brand awareness or image. We arrive at the conclusion that the UGC #GundalaFanart received positive attention from both familiar and new audiences due to two factors; the form of the UGC itself aligns well with the film’s image and core message and aligns as well with the product’s position within the consumer’s mind. These two factors are important to ensure effectiveness when designing and implementing UGC into a social media advertising campaign. The UGC has a significant effect on the reputation of the product or brand, which in turn affects the consumer’s perception of it, subsequently also affecting the decision- making process in consuming a said product.
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