Designing Motion Comic About Information of Indonesian’s Traditional Medicine (Case Study: Djammoe)

Yasmin Satrio, Alfiansyah Zulkarnain


Jamu is an Indonesian traditional health beverage, but among young people it is deemed out-of-date and a drink for old people. These images take form because young people only get minimal exposure to jamu and because there are modern beverages that they prefer. In this project the theme of information about jamu will be presented in the form of a digital comic, because the interest of reading textbooks among young people has been gradually diminishing and they prefer reading entertainment books, such as comic books. This project uses literature study. The literature study is conducted to get information about the theme and the design theories that are going to help with the process of designing the project. The final product of this project is a motion comic. Visual research study and keywords are adjusted to the target audience of this project. The result of the research is used as a guidance in the while process of making the digital comic, from the pre-production to the post-production process. This paper focuses on discussing about the application of several design theories in the motion comic project. 

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