Counter Advertising in Indonesian Advertising Industry


  • Putu Alferan Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Fadillah Fadillah Institut Teknologi Bandung


Counter ads commonly known as a term used for a unique method that is seen as a standard for creating an advertisement that contains a message that counters an old destructible message then produce a new positive meaning. A term that is quite concerning in the Indonesian advertising industry, which has its own culture and has an ethical basis for competition in advertising. Counter-ads are sometimes mixed with several similar advertising method’s definition. Hence, sometimes they do not have clear boundaries. But nonetheless sometimes its appearance has a controversial sensation among peoples but an effective advertising methods strategy. This case study research used one Counter-ads example that later will be researched and analyzed with descriptive methods to examine the important points of a Counter-ads so that the results can be used as a benchmark for the basis and limitations of an advertisement which can be referred to as Counter-ads rather than other advertising methods strategies. The results will also be used to provide a clear example of how counter-ads can directly promote usage of advertisements aimed at investigating certain ideas, as well as its impact on its relevance over ethical policy of the Indonesian advertising industry. Counter-ads advocacy focus on the promotion of a controversial topic that necessary and appropriate to be raised with a finding that a counter-advertisement can quickly attract the attention of the masses over a period and tends to be more effective in terms of attracting attention to change person’s behavior and outlook if it following on such examples of that case previously been carried out before.


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