Buzz Marketing as a new practice of digital advertising: A Study Case on Scarlett Whitening brand
Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) has been used for a long time and is still called the most effective marketing strategy. When many traditional-manual concepts have been displaced due to changes to the digital era, the emergence of the internet has actually added to the effectiveness of this marketing strategy. By adopting the concept of WOM into digital marketing, a profession was born as well as being considered a new advertising medium called a buzzer that carries out buzz marketing activities (the term WOM in the world of digital marketing). Using case study methodology, this research discusses the effectiveness of buzzer as a new digital advertising model, using the buzz marketing strategy that has been used by the Scarlett Whitening brand. Buzzers are different from influencers and key opinion leaders (KOL) because buzzers are generally ordinary personal accounts or spam accounts that have no personal branding and reputation to be at stake. The use of buzzers is considered the right choice to increase brand awareness.
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