Empowerment of Young Entrepreneurs Through Informal Education In Cikoleang Bogor
Entrepreneurship##common.commaListSeparator## Informal Education##common.commaListSeparator## Alternative Funding for Entrepreneur##common.commaListSeparator## Business Plan要旨
The community empowerment team from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) has held 4 workshops to develop business plans of the Tunas Cikoleang group which consists of young people from Cikoleang Bogor in Indonesia. Problems faced by young people in the local community include a lack of knowledge and skills as entrepreneurs as well as a lack of funds to start and/or run their businesses. At the first meeting, the community service team from UPH focused on the importance of entrepreneurship spirit and the knowledge through informal education as a success factor. Through the 2 times following workshops, in accordance with the needs of the Tunas Cikoreang group, namely their lack of appearance and knowledge as entrepreneurs and funding, the UPH Team disseminated the necessary knowledge such as the importance of marketing, record keeping, black-even points, and the use of various online applications and helped them create a business plan to increase access to funding other than capital. In the fourth community service workshop, three teams from Tunas Cikoreang group presented their business plans.
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