Satyawati Satyawati, Margaretha Pink Berlianto


Purpose – This research aims to analyze the antecedents and consequences effect of patient satisfaction on patient loyalty in XYZ hospital Bogor

Design/Methodology/Approach –This study used quantitative research and data collection was collected using questionnaire. The target population of this research were in patient at XYZ hospital  and willing to be respondents of this research. The number of samples were determined to be which 212 samples.  The sampling technique use was purposive sampling. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is applied to this study.

Findings – The result of data analysis showed that  quality of object, quality of  infrastructure, quality of interaction, dan quality of atmosphere have positive effect  on patient satisfaction,  Quality of process has  a negative effect on patient satisfaction. Lastly patient satisfaction have positive effect on patient loyalty

Research Limitations/Implications – This research only focuses on hospitalized patient, limitation time and only at one hospital. The focus on this research to analyze the effect of 5Q service quality : quality of object, quality of process, quality of  infrastructure, quality of  interaction, quality of  atmosphere on patient satisfaction, and  patient satisfaction on patient loyalty

Pratical Implication – The result of data analysis, XYZ hospital can improve quality of object, quality of  infrastructure, quality of  interaction, quality of  atmosphere and redesign the quality of process to increase patient satisfaction and patient loyalty

Originality/Value – This research gives information to XYZ hospital management to make improvement and further planning how to increase service quality effort to increase  the patient satisfaction and the patient loyalty


quality object; quality process; quality infrastructure; quality interaction; quality atmosphere; patient satisfaction; patient loyalty

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