Synergy Between Interior Expression and Architectural Concept During Design Development in The New Design Era


  • Angeline Gunawan Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Martin Luqman Katoppo Universitas Pelita Harapan


COVID-19 pandemic has pushed changes and new ideas in the design world to survive in the new design era. The research subject is Axial Studio, where the principal believes that Axial Studio’s design development process cannot be separated from their architectural concept. This statement became a relevant topic for the researcher/author to discover how Axial Studio could create synergy between architectural concept and interior expression during design development phase. In order to do that, the methodology is qualitative ethnographic research and instrumental case study as the method as the research’s result is based on the analysis of three rooms in one of Axial Studio’s project which is De Maja project. The research discovered that the pre-condition and five points of synergy, which are very relevant and valuable for the new design era. This research concluded that the five points synergy complements each other and plays a significant role because the harmonic relationship between interior and architecture is strongly needed in the new design era. Moreover, the result reminds designers about the fundamental attitude that all designers should have, which is open-mindedness and sensitivity. 


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