Social Innovation Design as Strategy - The Story of Community Action Plan from 4 Slums Area in North Jakarta
In 2021, while still in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic, School of Design, Universitas Pelita Harapan (SoD-UPH) was collaborating with North Jakarta City Government of Public Housing and Settlement Area to develop Community Action Plan (CAP). The CAP initiative is the program of DKI Jakarta Governor to upgrade the city slums settlement. There were 4 urban kampongs: RW 01, 02, 10 Sukapura and RW 10 Semper Timur, in North Jakarta, which were identified as slums and needed to develop their own CAP. The program aimed to have a participatory and collaborative development where all stakeholders are actively involved, especially the communities that dwell in the area as the main actor. SoD, UPH used a specific methodology called Design as Generator (DAG), as an empowerment tools by design, which combine research, design and action activities that runs simultaneously. The methodology can be use within the pandemic situation. This paper is a story on how design can be a strategy to drive social innovation to be transpired in these 4 North Jakarta’s slums area, in the form of CAP as the communities started to empower themselves.
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