Exploration of Natural Dye from Indonesia Plants on Children’s Clothing Design


  • Vanessa Effendy Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Devanny Gumulya Universitas Pelita Harapan


This design uses Indonesian plants to process into natural dyes for fabrics. This design is based on the concept of eco-design for children’s fashion products. The use of synthetic dyes pollutes not only the environment but also living organisms. The waste produced is liquid waste from the coloring process due to the use of chemicals. This is not only in the adult fashion world but also in the children’s fashion world. The fashion industry, show that children’s fashion products have a large target market, and it shows that children’s fashion product has opportunities in the development of the fashion industry. The use of natural dyes, which are not yet widely found in the world of children’s fashion, with the development of the use of natural dyes becoming a new development in the world of children fashion. The use of natural dyes can alternatively become a means of decreasing the use of chemical dyes. Natural dye has the potential to produce a variety of new colors that are applied to children’s clothing. 


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Discussion on The Future of SID 1: The New Era of Design: Design As Strategy