The Influence of WFH, WFO, and Hybrid Work Conditions On Design Creativity

Valdian Rudi, Gerald Marvin, Valerie Theodora, Martin Luqman Katoppo


A person’s creativity can be influenced by external aspects which derive from the surrounding environments both physically and socially. In this case, the creativity in question is the creativity of internship students in carrying out the design process during their practical work course. The students in question are UPH students majoring in interior design class 2018 who have done internships either by WFH, WFO, or hybrid. This study aims to determine whether the work environment influences creativity development. The method used is ethnography with an interpretive lens, while the qualitative data collected were measured and translated using quantitative tools. The research results showed that the physical and social environment of the office could affect creativity in the design process. 

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