
  • Ni Kadek Eni Juniari Politeknik Pariwisata Bali

Kata Kunci:

Service, Food, Beverage, Homestay


Welcoming the New Normal era or this new habit, the homestay managers in the Undisan Tourism Village are also learning to start preparing. In welcoming this New Normal era, homestays as a provider of accommodation services for tourists, both in the form of lodging and food and beverages, have their own standards that will be carried out in providing maximum service to tourists while still referring to health protocols. It is interesting to investigate further regarding the preparations made by the homestay managers in the Undisan Tourism Village in welcoming this New Normal era, related to food and beverage services. The purpose of this study was to determine the food and beverage service at homestays in the New Normal Era, especially homestays in Undisan Village, Bangli. This study uses an approach in the form of a case study to explain the existing phenomena. The stages that will be carried out in this study include 1) preparing the dining area for service, 2) preparing and arranging tables and chairs in the dining area, 3) welcoming customers when entering the dining area, 4) taking and processing orders, 5) serving food. and drinks and clean it up, 6) cover the dining area. Where the sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with saturated sampling method, because the population is small. The results of this study state that the six stages of food and beverage service that are applied to homestays, especially in Undisan Village, Bangli in the New Normal Era have implemented the standards listed in the guidebook for implementation, safety, and environmental sustainability of homestays. The implication of this research is that homestay managers in providing services, especially food and beverage services, always apply health protocols and refer to the guidebooks that have been set.


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