Pengaruh Promotion Mix Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Menginap di Hotel Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Thamrin


  • Herry Windawaty Podomoro University


Promotion Mixed, Purchase Decision, Hotel, Hospitality


The purpose of this research was to determine how its sub dimension of promotion mix, sales promotion, personal selling, advertising, public relation and publicity and direct marketing drive purchase decision among customers who are visiting the hotel. The design of the research applies a survey to interview for testing the hypothesis. Meanwhile the required data consist of five variables are sales promotion, personal selling, advertising, public relation and publicity, direct marketing as dependent variable and purchase decision as independent variable. The number of customers who became respondents in this study were 100 customers. The data analysis used in this study consisted of multiple regression analysis methods. The results of the study found that of the five components of the promotional mix that had the most significant influence on purchasing decisions were the advertising and direct marketing components. Meanwhile, the components that do not affect purchasing decisions are sales promotion, personal selling and public relations.

 Advertising has a significant influence because the majority of guests staying at the Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Thamrin are business guests who come from Corporate, so that the advertising program in the form of brochures or flyers is given by the hotel sales team to bookers or secretaries to be informed directly to employees who stay overnight. interesting because employees immediately get information on the facilities and benefits when staying at the hotel. Besides that, hotel social media which is easily accessible by guests who will stay is also an important parameter in terms of advertising. Direct marketing is the second component that has a significant influence due to the presence of telemarketing that is carried out or meeting directly door-to-door to the company which is considered a significant form of effort to win over the prospects of guests who will stay, in addition to surveys regarding guest satisfaction who have stayed overnight as well. it is felt very influential because the hotel always makes improvements to uncomfortable things that occur when guests stay so that the guests trust and become loyal guests.

 For other components that are considered not influential such as Sales Promotion, Personal Selling and Public relations, it is considered not to have a major influence in decision making for staying guests because the price discounts that usually occur at certain events have no effect on guests who stay overnight because of the segmentation of guests who stay overnight. is at Holiday Inn Express Jakarta Thamrin is a corporate where the price has been determined between the booker and the sales concerned at the time of direct marketing, Personal selling and Public Relations are also still felt to be less significant in decision making because guests prefer advertising that they directly access and there is already a detailed explanation.

     Keywords: Promotion Mixed, Purchase Decision.


Herry Windawaty, Podomoro University

Hotel Business Program




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