Pelliyezer Karo Karo, Athirah Nur


The research aims to identify the effect of event quality on participant satisfaction at the Authenticity Silverspace Omah Kopi E-sports Tournament event in Palembang. The quality of the event studied includes four independent variables: Game Performance, In-Game Entertainment, Staff Quality, and Physical Surroundings. The primary data collection instrument was a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 57 respondents who were event participants. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling with a slovin approach and multiple linear regression analysis. Research shows that all variables in the event's quality simultaneously affect the satisfaction of event participants. When viewed partially, there are only three variables, namely In-Game Entertainment, Staff Quality, and Physical Surroundings, which significantly positively influence the satisfaction of event participants. Improving the quality of the event has a solid relationship with the satisfaction of event participants and has an influence of 71.2 percent on the formation of event participant satisfaction.


Event quality; Customer satisfaction; E-sports; Authenticity; Tournament

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